Monthly Archives: February 2006

Date upDate

Well… I did blog about a guy asking for my number. We had a date last weekend. i thought it was fantastic, we had a lot of fun. It was a whole day long extravaganza. We went out for breakfast, walked, played mini-put, he taught me how to drive stick, hung out at his house, then served food at a soup kitchen in downtown Oshawa. It was great! I was so tired by the end of the day though! But he never called me back… so whatever. It was fun no matter what.

I love my WALLS!

Let there be walls…

Well, Julia finally has real walls. On Thursday we (Dad, Julia, Lisa, and I) spent all day putting up some walls for her. We didn’t run into any problems, but since we aren’t experienced, it took longer than expected. Then yesterday I finished up and everything is done now except for a door. We can certainly see the potential of the basement now.

I guess everyone will see it tomorrow at the big BJW Bash.

Birthday Banner

As much as I love the banner that Jason created for Dad’s birthday, I feel that the writing would be better suited in the middle or left side so as not to block my face. I haven’t been that cute for quite awhile and would hate to see my early years forgotten.

Sorry it’s taken so long to post my first comment but I have been very busy with stake business. At least phone business has returned to normal.

We just saw “Legacy” for FHE (my first time) and enjoyed it. Kids are sleeping like angels and Evy and I are finishing up for the night. Will comment again in the (hopefully) not too distant future.

50% Off at Value Village

I think today was the first day I’ve ever been to Value Village on the 50% off day. It was quite busy. Andrea bought a huge cushion for her bed (it’s the size of her bed and is in the shape of a “U”). Julia and Lisa both bought some stuff. Brie brought some necklaces to take apart for beads. I got nothin’!

We then came home and Julia tried to teach us a FHE lesson on keeping the Sabbath Day holy. Andrea eats, sleeps and watches Grey’s Anatomy on Sunday. Lisa prepares her lesson. I sleep.


I’m sure most of you know by now that Andrea had a car accident yesterday. She was unable to stop fast enough to avoid hitting another car that stopped suddenly at a train crossing. She is totally OK but emotionally shook up and very worried. We don’t know whether the car is worth fixing but the insurance company called today and will pay $35 a day toward a rental car for her. We’re just grateful she’s not hurt. Cars are replaceable but not Andi! By the way, thanks Lisa for your flattering write-up on last Sunday’s dinner.


IT’S A SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 I don’t ever remember having one!!!!! And my prof told me that my friday class is cancelled…. so! IT’S THE WEEKEND!!!!

Wow….a snow day!

Hats off to Mom

The Wing’s of St. Catharines had a Valentines dinner at Hilda Street on Sunday. Mom did an awesome job. The turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy, coleslaw (no one makes it like Mom) the cake. The list could go on. Everything was delicious and decorated so festively and creatively (the Valentine place cards were very creative). Thanks Mom for all your hard work.

I now have a date

So yes, the date is now official. I am sure you were all very worried about my dating life. Chad and I are going to volunteer at a soup kitchen and then go out for lunch and hang out for the day. I am pretty excited about it. I will have to keep everyone up to date!