Christine is now 3 weeks old! She went for a check-up on Wednesday. She’s doing great. She passed her hearing and PKU tests and has gained 11 ounces since birth (she is now 9lbs 6oz). The midwife could hear a mild heart murmur but wasn’t concerned. Apparently fetuses have a hole in their heart, and sometimes the flap doesn’t close right at birth . She’ll listen again at her 7 week check-up and it may have corrected itself by then. We’re not worried about it at all as Christine seems very healthy.
Christine is very strong, she doesn’t like to lay flat she always tries to pull her head up or tries to roll over. Even in her stroller she has to be sitting up. Overall, she is a very peaceful baby.
Graham has put up some pictures of her in the 20071025 Christine’s Third Week gallery…