The drawing of the names has been done, and the results are below. I’ve done the draw so that no one is buying for someone that they’ve had in the last 5 years.
- Alisa buys for Lisa
- Andrea buys for Brianna
- Brianna buys for Dad
- Dad buys for Alisa
- Graham buys for Andrea
- Jason buys for Graham
- Lisa buys for Mom
- Mom buys for Jason
Note: Please look it over and let me know if there are any mistakes. We don’t want people buying for each other as part of the gift exchange. We also don’t want spouses buying for each other as part of the gift exchange.
Here are some guidelines:
- The amount this year will be the same as last year… $60. There is no rule about spending exactly $60 to the penny (or nickel if you are paying cash), and no rule about whether it is $60 including tax or $60 plus tax. Just get something nice for the person that is close to $60.
- It would be good if people could provide a list (more than just a couple of items) to the person who is buying for them. That way the person receiving will be getting something they want, but if the list is long enough, they won’t know which it is.
I assume we’ll be hosting the Christmas Eve party and Christmas Day dinner. We’ll send around another email later with the details of who is bringing what.