Category Archives: General


I just got an e-mail from Dr. Triggs that I have been chosen to go on a dig with him in Bermuda. It’s only for ten days (Wed. Feb. 13 to Sat. Feb. 23) during reading week but it’ll be awesome.

My New Car

Well I finally got my new car. It doesn’t quite feel real (I picked it up after work last night). I feel like I am driving a rental car. I bought a 2008 Toyota Yaris Sedan. It is Slate Mica I believe. It is a charcoal grey. I am looking forward to driving where ever I need to go and not beg for ride!

I am so sorry that I have been so terrible at posting on the family blog. I will try to be better.

Life here in Calgary is wonderful so far. I have friends and I am always out and busy which is so nice. Church activities, movie nights with the house mates, the neighbour girls across the way, I am having a blast. (And yes Dad I have had dates too!)

I will post a picture of my car when I charge the batteries of my camera.

I look forward to seeing most of you at Christmas time, I am so excited to come home for a visit.

Timeline of Christine’s birth

7:10 am – left home
7:30 am – arrived at West Lincoln Memorial Hospital
7:40 am – Lindsey, the midwife, arrived. Lisa put on the hospital gown and got wired up so they could monitor the baby’s heartbeat.
8:00 am – I went to admitting to get Lisa’s hospital card
8:15 am – Dr. Ngwube came and checked things out. He said Lisa’s condition was very favourable for induction. She was 2-3 cm dilated and everything else was good. He broke the water.
8:20 am – Lindsey got the IV prepped
8:45 am – They started the antibiotics and the oxytocin. The oxytocin was started at 2mL/h
9:15 am – Lisa was moved from the assesment room to one of the Labour and Delivery rooms. The oxytocin was increased to 4 mL\h
9:25 am -Lisa had her first “real” contraction.
9:45 am – The oxytocin was increased to 6mL\h
10:15 am – The oxytocin was increased to 8 mL\h
10:45 am – The oxytocin was increased to 10mL\h
11:00 am – The contractions were getting harder, and Lisa had to start moving her legs in order to get through them
11:15 am – The oxytocin was increased to 12mL\h. Lindsey said that this is as high as she would go without the obstetrician’s orders
11:45 am – Lisa wanted something for pain. Lindsey checked and Lisa was dilated to 5 cm. Lisa was given a shot of Morphine which helped take the edge off the contractions
12:20 pm – Lisa said she was really tired and really hot and in a lot of pain. The midwife called for the other midwife to come in (they always have 2 people for the delivery)
12:25 pm – Lisa was crying and wanted to push
12:32 pm – Lisa was allowed to push for the first time. Lindsey could see a little of the head. The 2nd midwife hadn’t arrived yet, so one of the hospital nurses was assisting
12:46 pm – After 14 minutes of pushing, Christine Lisa Wing was born! She was 8 lbs 11 oz (3.9399 kg), was 22.75″ long (58cm), and had a head that was 36cm in circumference
1:30 pm – The second midwife, Jen, finally arrived and helped with the care afterwards

Lisa’s mom got there at about 12:40 and waited out in the hall for us. She got to come in close to 1:30 pm. After 2 pm Mom, Dad, Nanny, and Andrea came with Andrew and Matthew to visit. The boys were very excited, but were probably more excited about the toys Grandma had bought them 🙂

I stayed with Lisa until around 6 pm. Traci from Church had come to visit. Lisa planned on letting Christine go to the nursery for the night so she could get some sleep. They will be coming home this morning.

Christine seems to be very alert and quite quiet (can it be… a quiet kid?!).


I got a job. Graham told me to post about it.

I’ll be working for my professor Dr. Dean Knight. He was the director of the dig I went on this summer. He is in the process of writing a paper to be published later this year and he needs someone to be in charge of the graphics, maps, pictures, and to alter and photoshop certain pictures. For example, he has one picture that he scanned that was on graph paper and I need to remove the graph lines. I’ll be classified as his research assistant. Pretty cool.

Once we’re done the manuscript I’ll be working in the lab in the archaeology department with him.

That’s it for now. Ta Ta

Guess the arrival time

Well, Lisa is due in 8 days, so let’s start the guessing game? We’re pretty confident it’s a girl as that is what 3 different ultrasounds showed, but I guess it still could be wrong. Other than that, guess away. How long? What day will it come? What time? You know the drill…