Author Archives: Alisa

Buckhorn Observatory

While at the cottage this year, we finally made it to the observatory. we’ve talked about going for ages but never made it happen. But this was the year.

The day before we left, Andi, Brie, her friend Sarah and I drove down a very dark County Road 507 and had an amazing time. This guy John has a huge telescope on his property and a love for space so he set up an observatory on his property for everyone to enjoy. It was a bit cloudy when we first got there but the clouds blew away shortly and we had an amazing view of Saturn, a dead star and even the International Space Station.

I would love to go again, we should get a big group of us to go next year.

Poppy’s genealogy

After Graham’s devastating news, I felt the need to post something upbeat. Jason was trying to describe how our family was organized, so he ended up drawing Poppy a chart. Note the most important thing that Poppy remembered (“Ron drives a plane, Daddy!”)

‘All About Me’

Poppy is really enjoying daycare, or ‘school’ as we call it. March is ‘all about me’ month and each day a child does a small presentation about themselves and Teacher Suzie writes down what they say. Poppy did hers yesterday. As you can see, Poppy is as cheeky as ever.


So cute, she wins contests

UK babylegs

Here’s an email I got this morning…


Hi Alisa,

I wanted to let you know your daughter Poppy’s picture was chosen as the “Cutest Little BabyLegs” in our February Newsletter. I’m sorry I did not get in touch with you sooner to congratulate you, it was just sent out early this week, and circulates to over 14,000 people and retailers. I think she looks too precious sucking her thumb while wearing her UK leggings.

As the winner, we would love to send you a free pair of BabyLegs of your choice. If you could let me know what style you would like, as well as an address to ship it to, I will make sure you get your prize sent out to you.

Here is the link to the newsletter for you to share with your family and friends.

Thank you again for submitting the photo and taking the time to share it with us!

Samantha Smith
BabyLegs LLC