Category Archives: Fun Stuff

Andrea’s tattoo

For Family Home Evening on Monday, my lesson was kind of a game. We pulled letters out of a box, and we had to think of church-related words that started with that letter. The person who thought of the best word or the most words got to keep that letter, and then the person who had the most letters won. The prize was a temporary tattoo from a box of Freezies. Andrea won:


FHE – The Creation

On Monday for Family Home Evening I taught a lesson on the creation. Each of us drew one of the “days” of the creation and then I summarized the story of the creation from Genesis. We tried to explain to Andrew that it was like following a recipe… there were different steps involved. Then we made a list of different features of animals (antlers, hooves, tails, scales, tusks, etc) and we each made our own animal. As you can see, we may be creative, but we can’t draw!

NOTE: You can click on each picture to view a larger version.


This is Lisa’s drawing of a Crocduckphant. It is part elephant (the head), part crocodile (the body and tail) and part duck (the webbed feet).


This was my drawing of a Lirootle. It has the head of a lion, the lower body of a kangaroo and the shell of a turtle.


This is Julia’s drawing of a Schmalopolus. She explains in the drawing what it is made of.


This is Andrea’s drawing of an Underwater Slithermoose. It has the body of a snake, antlers and hooves of a moose, and a fin and tail like a fish.

Sin City

Well I got back from Las Vegas, (or Vegas as Graham points out) late Monday evening. It was a wonderful trip. I saw all the sites went to a few different ortho. lectures and ate yummy food.

All in one weekend I went to Paris, Venice and Rome!

I am on my way to Ottawa as we speak. I will be seeing the Mint, and lots of pretty museums.

Wow I am quite the world traveler, hahahah.

Looking forward to Mothers Day!

Another joke for your reading pleasure…

Two tugboat captains who had been friends for years always cried “Aye!” and blew their whistles whenever their tugboats passed each other. A new crewman asked his boat’s mate, “What do they do that for?”

The mate looked surprised and replied, “You mean that you’ve never heard the expression ‘An aye for an aye and a toot for a toot’?”

Pimp my baby?

I heard this on NPR’s Wait, Wait… Don’t Tell Me and I thought of Alisa’s “Stinker” t-shirt. Apparently there is a clothing company called Pimpfants:

Pimpfants’ fresh designs fill the clothing void that has long been over-looked for the new generation of parents who want their children to be both hip and comfortable.

Another page on their site mentions that their clothing allows “babies and tots everywhere the opportunity to hit the playground with fresh gear and street cred.”

They even sell velour track suits!

I always thought Matthew and Andrew weren’t hip enough. This will obviously harm their street cred.