Author Archives: Julia

I love naps

No one has posted a blog in a few days so I decided to say a few words. Snake, peach, plastic. That is a few words right? Ha ha.

Well today was my second time working Thursdays. It is fabulous. I love that extra few hours of work it make me feel like I am truly on the road to working full time again. The doctor that I work with on Thursdays is also more laid back, it is a very calm working environment. I came home and had a nap! What a life!

In about half an hour I will be going off to institute. I miss Andi coming to institute with me. We had good times…

Remember the “date” I posted about a week ago. Well he still hasn’t called. So I will not be posting things until they actually happen!

Well that is about all for now.

Nothing Much

This blog is about our lives and to help us keep in touch. Life is good for me, nothing much exciting happening.

However the one thing I was thinking about it regards to this blog is the Florida family. I would love to hear what is going on down there. How are Ryan and Lillie doing is school? Any class trips coming up? How is Jeff working his crazy hours and the stake presidency? How is Evy and her college classes? Anyway I would love to hear more form everyone!

P.S. Evy I still don’t know my work schedule yet.. I am working on it.

I think I have a date

A guy asked for my phone number last night. I am sure Alisa remembers him… Chad. (Aka The Chad) We are hopefully getting together either next weekend or the weekend after. yea!!!

I am looking forward to the Winger Bowl.

Two Bits of Good News

Hello all. I have a few pieces of good news. Number one… I found my keys! I know no one really knew that they were missing, but this is very good news.

The other tidbit is the fact that I am working tomorrow! (This normally is not good news, but I have been working three days a week for four months now and the extra day is very exciting) Working Thursdays will not be all the time, but hopefully as the office gets busier Thursdays will be a regular part of my work week.

TaTa for now…