Author Archives: Evy

The Brainiacs are back!

Hello to all! I forgot to mention the brilliance of my two oldest children. Some of you might already know but, both Ryan & Lillian got perfect report cards! Ryan got straight A1A’s (A in academics, 1 for outstanding effort, A in conduct) and Lillian had straight E’s for excellence and her comments said Outstanding Reader!! We will celebrate with many free games of bowling. Of course, I’m bragging but hey, you all think your children are brilliant too, right? Maybe it’s the Rizo genes…..

The Wing Brains Are Alive & Well

I just wanted you all to know that Ryan & Lillian got their report cards last week. Ryan got straight A’s in academics & all but 1 A in conduct. He got a B in conduct in Art. We have issues with that teacher! Lillian has straight E’s (Excellent) -that is a Kindergarten A,except for her handwriting grade which was an S (Satisfactory). Lillian is also being tested for the gifted program, her reading is off the charts. A local bowling alley gives kids a free game for every A they receive on their report cards. A maximum of 6 per child. So we will all be bowling for free. Thanks for the DNA Mum & Dad! Â