Daily Archives: November 12, 2007

Christmas Gift Exchange

The “draw” for our Christmas gift exchange was done yesterday. Here are the results:

  • Nanny buys for Lisa
  • Dad buys for Julia
  • Mom buys for Jason
  • Graham buys for Andrea
  • Lisa buys for Dad
  • Alisa buys for Graham
  • Jason buys for Nanny
  • Julia buys for Alisa
  • Andrea buys for Brianna
  • Brianna buys for Mom

The gift is to be approximately $50. Just to be clear (in case anyone asks), there is no rule about spending exactly $50 to the penny, and no rule about whether it is $50 including tax or $50 plus tax. Just get something nice for the person that is close to $50.

We will be hosting the traditional Christmas Eve party at our house again. We’ll sing and eat, and Nanny will provide with find a game again. We’ll also continue the take-away gift exchange game on Christmas Eve. The small gift is to be $10.