It’s not sickening…

It’s the first Sunday of the month and so it was Fast Sunday. Lisa suggested that we get together and have dinner. Lisa made her famous “soda pork” (ask her how it got the name) and Mom made ribs. Good stuff Lisa and Mom!

Lisa made a cookie dessert with strawberries and cream cheese. I wasn’t a big fan of it, but Mom seemed to like it. However, when describing it, she said that “it wasn’t sickening”. Dad and I thought that was a pretty funny compliment to give. I could probably make a very long list of foods that I don’t think are sickening. But I guess that is an idea for another posting…

3 thoughts on “It’s not sickening…

  1. Lisa

    The real name is Hawaiian-Style Braised Pork. However, in this house we like to call it “Soda Pork”. I will briefly explain why. The first time I made it I was so excited how well it seemed to be turning out. The house smelled awesome. Julia and Graham came home and they both were excited to know what we were having because it smelled awesome. We all sat down to eat. Graham took the first bite, and said how good it was, then he took another bite and said, “this tastes chemically” and he didn’t want anymore. He gave his portion to Julia, who at first was excited to be the recipient of more. Julia then ate some. She too commented on the funny taste. Neither her or Graham could identify the chemical. I then had a bite and I almost gagged my piece must have been coated with the mystery chemical. We kept trying to figure it out. Then I had an idea. Did I add cornstarch to thicken the gravy or baking soda? As soon as I said baking soda. We knew that had to be the horrible chemical taste. The pork was inedible. My awesome smelling dinner went in the garbage, but never to be forgotten. Julia felt that it needed a name. Eventhough I’ve made it correctly each time since then we still call it “soda pork”. I made it a couple of weeks ago, Julia came in while I was on the phone. She went over to the stove, opened the lid and said something like this. “Mmmmmm, we’re having soda pork? It’s become a favorite of the Laird Drive household.


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