Duncan I King Scotland  ‏(I3769)‏
Surname: Scotland
Given Names: Duncan I King

Gender: MaleMale

Birth: about 1005 25 21 Scotland
Death: 14 August 1040 ‏(Age 35)‏ Elgin, Moray, Morayshire, Scotland
Personal Facts and Details
Birth about 1005 25 21 Scotland

Marriage Mrs. Fitzsiward QueenScotland - Scotland

Marriage Sibyl ‏(Family name unknown)‏ - Scotland

Marriage Scotland

Marriage Scotland

Death 14 August 1040 ‏(Age 35)‏ Elgin, Moray, Morayshire, Scotland

LDS Baptism 1 April 1933 ‏(892 years after death)‏
LDS Temple: Salt Lake City, Utah

LDS Endowment 1 June 1933 ‏(892 years after death)‏
LDS Temple: Salt Lake City, Utah

LDS Child Sealing 21 April 1970 ‏(929 years after death)‏
LDS Temple: Salt Lake City, Utah

Family as a Child: Crinan Mormaer Abbot Dunkeld + Bethoc Beatrix Princess Scotland
Burial Iona, Scotland

Globally unique Identifier 5017C3B1FE9DB84E970D16DA32ED66790E42
Last Change 22 March 2001 - 22:26:33
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Parents Family  (F1669)
Crinan Mormaer Abbot Dunkeld
980 - 1045
Bethoc Beatrix Princess Scotland
984 -
Daughter Princess Of Scotland
1000 -
Maldred Earl Of Dunbar
1003 -
Duncan I King Scotland
1005 - 1040
Miss MacCrinan
1009 -
Mac Crinan ‏(Family name unknown)‏
1009 -

Immediate Family  (F1014)
Mrs. Fitzsiward QueenScotland
1009 -
Malcolm III King Scotland
1031 - 1093
Melmare Prince Of Scotland
1037 -

Immediate Family  (F1670)
Sibyl ‏(Family name unknown)‏
1007 - 1040
Donald III King Scotland
1033/34 - 1097

Immediate Family  (F1671)

Immediate Family  (F1672)

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Family with Parents
Crinan Mormaer Abbot Dunkeld ‎(I3777)‎
Birth about 980 26 26 Athol, Scotland
Death 1045 ‏(Age 65)‏ Dunkeld
4 years
Bethoc Beatrix Princess Scotland ‎(I3778)‎
Birth about 984 26 22 Scotland

Marriage: 1000
Daughter Princess Of Scotland ‎(I3779)‎
Birth about 1000 20 16 Of, Scotland
3 years
Maldred Earl Of Dunbar ‎(I3781)‎
Birth about 1003 23 19 Of, Dunbar, Scotland
2 years
Duncan I King Scotland ‎(I3769)‎
Birth about 1005 25 21 Scotland
Death 14 August 1040 ‏(Age 35)‏ Elgin, Moray, Morayshire, Scotland
4 years
Miss MacCrinan ‎(I3785)‎
Birth about 1009 29 25 Of, Scotland
Mac Crinan ‏(Family name unknown)‏ ‎(I4765)‎
Birth about 1009 29 25 Scotland
Family with Mrs. Fitzsiward QueenScotland
Duncan I King Scotland ‎(I3769)‎
Birth about 1005 25 21 Scotland
Death 14 August 1040 ‏(Age 35)‏ Elgin, Moray, Morayshire, Scotland
4 years
Mrs. Fitzsiward QueenScotland ‎(I3770)‎
Birth about 1009 19 15 Scotland

Marriage:   -- Scotland
Malcolm III King Scotland ‎(I2763)‎
Birth about 1031 26 22 Scotland
Death 13 November 1093 ‏(Age 62)‏ Alnwick, Northumberland, England
6 years
Melmare Prince Of Scotland ‎(I3773)‎
Birth about 1037 32 28 Scotland
Family with Sibyl ‏(Family name unknown)‏
Duncan I King Scotland ‎(I3769)‎
Birth about 1005 25 21 Scotland
Death 14 August 1040 ‏(Age 35)‏ Elgin, Moray, Morayshire, Scotland
2 years
Sibyl ‏(Family name unknown)‏ ‎(I3771)‎
Birth about 1007
Death 1040 ‏(Age 33)‏

Marriage:   -- Scotland
Donald III King Scotland ‎(I3772)‎
Birth about 1033/34 29 27 Scotland
Death after 1097 ‏(Age 62)‏ Rescobie, Angusshire, Scotland
Family with Unknown
Duncan I King Scotland ‎(I3769)‎
Birth about 1005 25 21 Scotland
Death 14 August 1040 ‏(Age 35)‏ Elgin, Moray, Morayshire, Scotland

Marriage:   -- Scotland
Family with Unknown
Duncan I King Scotland ‎(I3769)‎
Birth about 1005 25 21 Scotland
Death 14 August 1040 ‏(Age 35)‏ Elgin, Moray, Morayshire, Scotland

Marriage:   -- Scotland