Gundred Princess Of England  ‏(I2666)‏
Surname: England
Given Names: Gundred Princess Of

Gender: FemaleFemale

Birth: about 1114 44 39 Of, England
Death: after 1130 ‏(Age 16)‏ England
Personal Facts and Details
Birth about 1114 44 39 Of, England

Death after 1130 ‏(Age 16)‏ England

LDS Baptism 29 December 1931 ‏(801 years after death)‏
LDS Endowment 11 January 1932 ‏(802 years after death)‏
LDS Temple: Mesa, Arizona

Globally unique Identifier AA4C1F5F18C4C247B7E90F6DB317197BD388
Last Change 22 March 2001 - 22:26:30
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Parents Family  (F953)
Henry I King England
1070 - 1135
Sibyl Corbet
1075 - 1157
Sibyl Elizabeth Queen Scotland
1090 - 1122
William Prince Of England
1105 - 1187
Rainald De Dunstanville
1110 - 1175
Gundred Princess Of England
1114 - 1130
Rohese Princess Of England
1114 - 1176

Step-Parent Family  (F914)
Henry I King England
1070 - 1135
Matilda "Atheling" Princess Scotland
1079 - 1118
Elizabeth, Princess Of England
1078 -
Child ‏(Family name unknown)‏
1102 - 1102
Matilda ‏(Maud)‏ Princess England ‏[Empress of Germ‏
1102 - 1169
William "Atheling" Prince England
1103 - 1119
Richard Prince Of England
1105 - 1119

Step-Parent Family  (F952)
Henry I King England
1070 - 1135
Nesta Princess Of Wales
1073 -
Henry FitzRoy Prince England
1105 - 1157

Step-Parent Family  (F954)
Henry I King England
1070 - 1135
@N.N. ‏[Concubine 1]‏
1070 -
Robert Earl Of Gloucester ‏["de Caen"]‏
1090 - 1147
Maud Duchess Of Bretagne
1091 -

Step-Parent Family  (F955)
Henry I King England
1070 - 1135
Ansfride ‏(Family name unknown)‏ ‏[Concubine 2]‏
1069 -
Richard Prince Of England
1101 - 1119
Fulk Prince Of England
1102 -
Juliane Princess Of England
1102 -

Step-Parent Family  (F956)
Henry I King England
1070 - 1135
Edith ‏(Family name unknown)‏ ‏[Concubine 3]‏
1071 -
Maud Princess Of England ‏[Countess of Per‏
1090 - 1119
Robert Prince Of England
1093 - 1172

Step-Parent Family  (F957)
Henry I King England
1070 - 1135
@N.N. ‏[Concubine 10]‏
1076 -
Princess Of England
1095 -
Gilbert Prince Of England
1130 - 1142

Step-Parent Family  (F958)
Henry I King England
1070 - 1135
@N.N. ‏[Concubine 11]‏
1077 -
William De Tracy
1097 - 1140

Step-Parent Family  (F959)
Henry I King England
1070 - 1135
@N.N. ‏[Concubine 12]‏
1078 -
Constance Maud Viscountess Maine
1098 -

Step-Parent Family  (F960)
Henry I King England
1070 - 1135
@N.N. ‏[Concubine 13]‏
1079 -
Alice Aline ‏(Family name unknown)‏
1099 - 1141

Step-Parent Family  (F961)
Henry I King England
1070 - 1135
Isabel Elizabeth De Beaumont ‏[Concubine 15]‏
1107 -
Isabel Hedwig ‏(Family name unknown)‏
1120 -

Step-Parent Family  (F962)
Henry I King England
1070 - 1135
@N.N. ‏[Concubine 16]‏
1072 -
Maud Montvillers
1096 -
Emma ‏(Family name unknown)‏
1096 - 1157

Step-Parent Family  (F963)
Henry I King England
1070 - 1135
Matilda "Atheling" Princess Scotland
1079 - 1118
Mrs Constance De Beaumont
1100 -

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Family with Parents
Henry I King England ‎(I2651)‎
Birth 1070 45 44 Selby, Yorkshire, England
Death 1 December 1135 ‏(Age 65)‏ St. Denis, Seine-St. Denis, France
5 years
Sibyl Corbet ‎(I2658)‎
Birth about 1075 Of, Alcester, Warwickshire, England
Death after 1157 ‏(Age 82)‏
Sibyl Elizabeth Queen Scotland ‎(I2661)‎
Birth between 1090 and 1100 20 15 Of, westminster, Middlesex, England
Death 12 July 1122 ‏(Age 32)‏ Island Of, Loch Tay, Perthshire, Scotland
15 years
William Prince Of England ‎(I2664)‎
Birth 1105 35 30 Of, England
Death after 1187 ‏(Age 82)‏
5 years
Rainald De Dunstanville ‎(I2665)‎
Birth between 1110 and 1115 40 35 Of, Dunstanville, Kent, England
Death 1 July 1175 ‏(Age 65)‏ Chertsey, Surry, England
4 years
Gundred Princess Of England ‎(I2666)‎
Birth about 1114 44 39 Of, England
Death after 1130 ‏(Age 16)‏ England
Rohese Princess Of England ‎(I2659)‎
Birth about 1114 44 39 Of, England
Death after 1176 ‏(Age 62)‏ England
Father's Family with Matilda "Atheling" Princess Scotland
Henry I King England ‎(I2651)‎
Birth 1070 45 44 Selby, Yorkshire, England
Death 1 December 1135 ‏(Age 65)‏ St. Denis, Seine-St. Denis, France
9 years
Matilda "Atheling" Princess Scotland ‎(I2652)‎
Birth about 1079 48 36 Dunfermline, Fifeshire, Scotland
Death 1 May 1118 ‏(Age 39)‏ Westminster, Middlesex, England

Marriage: 11 November 1100 -- westminster, London, Middlesex, England
-23 years
Elizabeth, Princess Of England ‎(I2710)‎
Birth about 1078 8 England
25 years
Child ‏(Family name unknown)‏ ‎(I2653)‎
Birth about July 1102 32 23 Of, England
Death 1102
1 month
Matilda ‏(Maud)‏ Princess England ‏[Empress of Germ‏ ‎(I2599)‎
Birth before 5 August 1102 32 23 London, Middlesex, England
Death 10 September 1169 ‏(Age 67)‏ Notre Dame, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France
1 year
William "Atheling" Prince England ‎(I2715)‎
Birth before 5 August 1103 33 24 Of, Selby, Yorkshire, England
Death 26 November 1119 ‏(Age 16)‏ At Sea, Barfleur, Manche, France
17 months
Richard Prince Of England ‎(I2654)‎
Birth about 1105 35 26 Of, England
Death 26 September 1119 ‏(Age 14)‏ At Sea, Barfleur, Manche, France
Father's Family with Nesta Princess Of Wales
Henry I King England ‎(I2651)‎
Birth 1070 45 44 Selby, Yorkshire, England
Death 1 December 1135 ‏(Age 65)‏ St. Denis, Seine-St. Denis, France
3 years
Nesta Princess Of Wales ‎(I2656)‎
Birth about 1073 Of, Dynevor Castle, Carmarthenshire, Wales
Henry FitzRoy Prince England ‎(I2657)‎
Birth about 1105 35 32 Of, South Wales
Death 1157 ‏(Age 52)‏ Angelsey, Carnarvonshire, North Wales
Father's Family with @N.N. ‏[Concubine 1]‏
Henry I King England ‎(I2651)‎
Birth 1070 45 44 Selby, Yorkshire, England
Death 1 December 1135 ‏(Age 65)‏ St. Denis, Seine-St. Denis, France
@N.N. ‏[Concubine 1]‏ ‎(I2667)‎
Birth about 1070 Of, Caen, Calvedos, France
Robert Earl Of Gloucester ‏["de Caen"]‏ ‎(I2668)‎
Birth about 1090 20 20 Of, Caen, Calvados, France
Death 31 October 1147 ‏(Age 57)‏ Bristol, Glouchester, England
1 year
Maud Duchess Of Bretagne ‎(I2690)‎
Birth about 1091 21 21 Of, England
Father's Family with Ansfride ‏(Family name unknown)‏ ‏[Concubine 2]‏
Henry I King England ‎(I2651)‎
Birth 1070 45 44 Selby, Yorkshire, England
Death 1 December 1135 ‏(Age 65)‏ St. Denis, Seine-St. Denis, France
-1 year
Ansfride ‏(Family name unknown)‏ ‏[Concubine 2]‏ ‎(I2683)‎
Birth about 1069 Of, Sparshalt, Berkshire, England
Burial Abingdon Abbey, Berkshire, England
Richard Prince Of England ‎(I2684)‎
Birth before 1101 31 32 Of, Abingdon Abbey, Berkshire, England
Death 26 November 1119 ‏(Age 18)‏ At Sea, Barfleur, Manche, France
1 year
Fulk Prince Of England ‎(I2685)‎
Birth about 1102 32 33 Of, Abingdon Abbey, Berkshire, England
Juliane Princess Of England ‎(I2686)‎
Birth about 1102 32 33 Of, westminster, Middlesex, England
Death Fontevrault L'Ab, Maine-Et-Loire, France
Father's Family with Edith ‏(Family name unknown)‏ ‏[Concubine 3]‏
Henry I King England ‎(I2651)‎
Birth 1070 45 44 Selby, Yorkshire, England
Death 1 December 1135 ‏(Age 65)‏ St. Denis, Seine-St. Denis, France
1 year
Edith ‏(Family name unknown)‏ ‏[Concubine 3]‏ ‎(I2687)‎
Birth about 1071 Of, Greystoke, Cumberland, England
Maud Princess Of England ‏[Countess of Per‏ ‎(I2688)‎
Birth about 1090 20 19 Of, England
Death 26 November 1119 ‏(Age 29)‏ At Sea, Barfleur, Manche, France
3 years
Robert Prince Of England ‎(I2694)‎
Birth about 1093 23 22 Of, Devonshire, England
Death 31 May 1172 ‏(Age 79)‏
Father's Family with @N.N. ‏[Concubine 10]‏
Henry I King England ‎(I2651)‎
Birth 1070 45 44 Selby, Yorkshire, England
Death 1 December 1135 ‏(Age 65)‏ St. Denis, Seine-St. Denis, France
6 years
@N.N. ‏[Concubine 10]‏ ‎(I2696)‎
Birth about 1076 Of, westminster, Middlesex, England
Princess Of England ‎(I2695)‎
Birth about 1095 25 19 Of, westminster, Middlesex, England
35 years
Gilbert Prince Of England ‎(I2697)‎
Birth about 1130 60 54 Of, westminster, Middlesex, England
Death after 1142 ‏(Age 12)‏
Father's Family with @N.N. ‏[Concubine 11]‏
Henry I King England ‎(I2651)‎
Birth 1070 45 44 Selby, Yorkshire, England
Death 1 December 1135 ‏(Age 65)‏ St. Denis, Seine-St. Denis, France
7 years
@N.N. ‏[Concubine 11]‏ ‎(I2698)‎
Birth about 1077 Of, westminster, Middlesex, England
William De Tracy ‎(I2699)‎
Birth about 1097 27 20 Of, westminster, Middlesex, England
Death about 1140 ‏(Age 43)‏
Father's Family with @N.N. ‏[Concubine 12]‏
Henry I King England ‎(I2651)‎
Birth 1070 45 44 Selby, Yorkshire, England
Death 1 December 1135 ‏(Age 65)‏ St. Denis, Seine-St. Denis, France
8 years
@N.N. ‏[Concubine 12]‏ ‎(I2700)‎
Birth about 1078 Of, England
Constance Maud Viscountess Maine ‎(I2701)‎
Birth about 1098 28 20 Of, England
Father's Family with @N.N. ‏[Concubine 13]‏
Henry I King England ‎(I2651)‎
Birth 1070 45 44 Selby, Yorkshire, England
Death 1 December 1135 ‏(Age 65)‏ St. Denis, Seine-St. Denis, France
9 years
@N.N. ‏[Concubine 13]‏ ‎(I2702)‎
Birth about 1079 Of, England
Alice Aline ‏(Family name unknown)‏ ‎(I2703)‎
Birth about 1099 29 20 Of, Selby, Yorkshire, England
Death 1141 ‏(Age 42)‏
Father's Family with Isabel Elizabeth De Beaumont ‏[Concubine 15]‏
Henry I King England ‎(I2651)‎
Birth 1070 45 44 Selby, Yorkshire, England
Death 1 December 1135 ‏(Age 65)‏ St. Denis, Seine-St. Denis, France
37 years
Isabel Elizabeth De Beaumont ‏[Concubine 15]‏ ‎(I2705)‎
Birth about 1107 61 37 Of, Meulan, Seine-Et-Oise, France
Isabel Hedwig ‏(Family name unknown)‏ ‎(I2706)‎
Birth about 1120 50 13 Of, England
Father's Family with @N.N. ‏[Concubine 16]‏
Henry I King England ‎(I2651)‎
Birth 1070 45 44 Selby, Yorkshire, England
Death 1 December 1135 ‏(Age 65)‏ St. Denis, Seine-St. Denis, France
2 years
@N.N. ‏[Concubine 16]‏ ‎(I2707)‎
Birth about 1072 Of, England
Maud Montvillers ‎(I2704)‎
Birth about 1096 26 24 Of, Montvilliers, Savoie, France
Emma ‏(Family name unknown)‏ ‎(I2708)‎
Birth about 1096 26 24 Of, England
Death after 1157 ‏(Age 61)‏
Father's Family with Matilda "Atheling" Princess Scotland
Henry I King England ‎(I2651)‎
Birth 1070 45 44 Selby, Yorkshire, England
Death 1 December 1135 ‏(Age 65)‏ St. Denis, Seine-St. Denis, France
9 years
Matilda "Atheling" Princess Scotland ‎(I2652)‎
Birth about 1079 48 36 Dunfermline, Fifeshire, Scotland
Death 1 May 1118 ‏(Age 39)‏ Westminster, Middlesex, England
Mrs Constance De Beaumont ‎(I4735)‎
Birth 1100 30 21