Ann Pynchon  ‏(I1832)‏
Surname: Pynchon
Given Names: Ann

Gender: FemaleFemale

Birth: about 1616 31 16 Springfield, Essex, England
Personal Facts and Details
Birth about 1616 31 16 Springfield, Essex, England

Marriage Henry Smith - 1639 ‏(Age 23)‏
LDS Baptism 4 December 1933 ‏(Age 317)‏
LDS Endowment 15 December 1933 ‏(Age 317)‏
LDS Child Sealing 26 February 1954 ‏(Age 338)‏
LDS Temple: Mesa, Arizona

Family as a Child: William Pynchon + Anna Andrew
Globally unique Identifier CC52DB719DB80C4DA576888DAD0AEFC1AF7A
Last Change 22 March 2001 - 22:26:28
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Parents Family  (F604)
William Pynchon
1585 - 1662
Anna Andrew
1600 - 1630
Ann Pynchon
- 1662
Ann Pynchon
1616 -
Mary Pynchon
1623 - 1657
Margaret Pynchon
1624 - 1653
‏(Col)‏ John Pynchon
1625 - 1703
Son Pynchon
1627 -
Anne Pynchon
1627 - 1682
‏(Son)‏ Pynchon
1627 -
Mary Pynchon
1629 - 1640
Margaret Pynchon
1631 - 1653

Immediate Family  (F615)
Henry Smith
1616 - 1681

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Family with Parents
William Pynchon ‎(I1823)‎
Birth 1585 21 17 Springfield, Essex, England
Death 29 October 1662 ‏(Age 77)‏ Wraysbury, Bucks, England
15 years
Anna Andrew ‎(I1824)‎
Birth about 1600 30 28 Of Triwell, Northampton, England
Death about 1630 ‏(Age 30)‏ Roxbury, Norfolk, Massachusetts

Marriage: about 1615 -- Springfield, Essex, England
Ann Pynchon ‎(I1803)‎
Birth Springfield, Essex, England
Death after 1662
Ann Pynchon ‎(I1832)‎
Birth about 1616 31 16 Springfield, Essex, England
7 years
Mary Pynchon ‎(I1834)‎
Birth about 1623 38 23 Springfield, Essex, England
Death 26 October 1657 ‏(Age 34)‏
1 year
Margaret Pynchon ‎(I1839)‎
Birth about 1624 39 24 Dorchester, Dorset, England
Death 3 May 1653 ‏(Age 29)‏
1 year
‏(Col)‏ John Pynchon ‎(I1845)‎
Birth 1625 40 25 England
Death 17 January 1703 ‏(Age 78)‏ Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
2 years
Son Pynchon ‎(I1825)‎
Birth about 1627 42 27 Dorchester, Dorset, England
Anne Pynchon ‎(I1826)‎
Birth about 1627 42 27 England
Death after 1682 ‏(Age 55)‏ England
‏(Son)‏ Pynchon ‎(I1827)‎
Birth about 1627 42 27 Dorchester, Dorset, England
2 years
Mary Pynchon ‎(I1828)‎
Birth about 1629 44 29
Death 25 October 1640 ‏(Age 11)‏
2 years
Margaret Pynchon ‎(I1829)‎
Birth about 1631 46 31
Death 3 July 1653 ‏(Age 22)‏
Family with Henry Smith
Henry Smith ‎(I1831)‎
Birth about 1616 26 22 Dorchester, England
Death 1 August 1681 ‏(Age 65)‏ Wraysbury, Buckingham, England
Ann Pynchon ‎(I1832)‎
Birth about 1616 31 16 Springfield, Essex, England

Marriage: 1639