Geoffrey V The Plantagenet + ‏(Given name unknown)‏ Concubine #1

Children  ‎(4 children)‎
Hamelin Plantagenet ‎(I2604)‎
Birth about 1130 16 17 Of, Stanwell, Middlesex, England
Death 7 May 1202 ‏(Age 72)‏ England
Adewis Plantagenet ‎(I2605)‎
Birth about 1132 18 19 Normandy, France
Marie Abbess Of Shaftesbury ‎(I2606)‎
Birth about 1134 20 21
Emma Plantagenet Princess of Wale ‎(I2607)‎
Birth about 1138 24 25 Of, Normandy, Normandy, France

Parents Grandparents
Geoffrey V The Plantagenet ‎(I2598)‎
Birth 24 August 1113 21 19 Anjou, France
Death 7 September 1151 ‏(Age 38)‏ Chateau, Eure-Et-Loir, France
Fulk V Or Anjou ‎(I2610)‎
Birth 1092 49 33 Of, Anjou, France
Death 10 November 1143 ‏(Age 51)‏ Jerusalem
Ermentrude ‏(Ehremberge)‏ Countess Maine ‏[Countess of]‏ ‎(I2611)‎
Birth about 1094 26 24 Of, France
Death 1126 ‏(Age 32)‏

‏(Given name unknown)‏ Concubine #1 ‎(I2603)‎
Birth about 1113 Of, Normandy, France

Family Group Information   (F911)
LDS Spouse Sealing 4 May 1955
LDS Temple: Salt Lake City, Utah

Globally unique Identifier B2E8C04AFA89EF43942716554B6EB3352035