Geoffrey V The Plantagenet + Matilda ‏(Maud)‏ Princess England ‏[Empress of Germ‏

Children  ‎(4 children)‎
Henry II King England ‎(I2538)‎
Birth 5 March 1133 19 30 Le Mans, Sarthe, France
Death 6 July 1189 ‏(Age 56)‏ Chinon, Indre-Et-Loire, France
Geoffrey VI "Mantell" Plantagenet ‏[Count of Nantes‏ ‎(I2600)‎
Birth 3 June 1134 20 31 Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France
Death 27 July 1157 ‏(Age 23)‏ Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, France
William Plantagenet ‏[Count of Poitou‏ ‎(I2601)‎
Birth 22 July 1136 22 33 Argentan, Orne, France
Death 30 January 1163/64 ‏(Age 27)‏ Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France
Geoffrey Nantes ‎(I2602)‎
Birth 1 June 1145 31 42 Rouen, S-Infr, Frn
Death 27 July 1158 ‏(Age 13)‏

Parents Grandparents
Geoffrey V The Plantagenet ‎(I2598)‎
Birth 24 August 1113 21 19 Anjou, France
Death 7 September 1151 ‏(Age 38)‏ Chateau, Eure-Et-Loir, France
Fulk V Or Anjou ‎(I2610)‎
Birth 1092 49 33 Of, Anjou, France
Death 10 November 1143 ‏(Age 51)‏ Jerusalem
Ermentrude ‏(Ehremberge)‏ Countess Maine ‏[Countess of]‏ ‎(I2611)‎
Birth about 1094 26 24 Of, France
Death 1126 ‏(Age 32)‏

Matilda ‏(Maud)‏ Princess England ‏[Empress of Germ‏ ‎(I2599)‎
Birth before 5 August 1102 32 23 London, Middlesex, England
Death 10 September 1169 ‏(Age 67)‏ Notre Dame, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France
Henry I King England ‎(I2651)‎
Birth 1070 45 44 Selby, Yorkshire, England
Death 1 December 1135 ‏(Age 65)‏ St. Denis, Seine-St. Denis, France
Matilda "Atheling" Princess Scotland ‎(I2652)‎
Birth about 1079 48 36 Dunfermline, Fifeshire, Scotland
Death 1 May 1118 ‏(Age 39)‏ Westminster, Middlesex, England

Family Group Information   (F882)
Marriage 22 May 1127 Le Mans, Sarthe, France

LDS Spouse Sealing 15 May 1933
Globally unique Identifier 8D9522F01ABC13429B31DE9CEE1EEAA03BE8