Ferdinand III King Castile + Jeanne Countess Of Ponthieu

Children  ‎(2 children)‎
Eleanor Princess Of Castile ‎(I2394)‎
Birth 1244 46 44 Of, Burgos, Burgos, Spain
Death 29 November 1290 ‏(Age 46)‏ Herdeby, Lincolnshire, England
Alfonso X ‏(Family name unknown)‏ ‎(I3023)‎
Birth about 1246 48 46
Death 1284 ‏(Age 38)‏

Parents Grandparents
Ferdinand III King Castile ‎(I3021)‎
Birth 1198 32 17 Castile, Spain
Death 30 May 1252 ‏(Age 54)‏ Castile, Spain
Alphonso IX King Castile ‎(I2924)‎
Birth 1166 34 35 Leon, Leon, Spain, Spain
Death 1229/30 ‏(Age 64)‏
Berengaria of Castile ‎(I2579)‎
Birth 1181 25 18 Castile, Spain, Castile, Spain
Death 1249 ‏(Age 68)‏ Castile, Spain

Jeanne Countess Of Ponthieu ‎(I3022)‎
Birth about 1200 20 4
Simon De Dammartin ‎(I3033)‎
Birth about 1180 32 30
Death 1239 ‏(Age 59)‏
Matie ‏(Family name unknown)‏ ‎(I3034)‎
Birth about 1196 27 26
Death 1251 ‏(Age 55)‏

Family Group Information   (F806)
Globally unique Identifier A1F3E5DABDC91B4D8C1FAF5191187C4D5EE0