Humbert II Count Savoy + Gisela ‏(Gille)‏ Burgundy ‏[Countess of]‏

Children  ‎(2 children)‎
Amadeo III Count Savoy ‎(I2862)‎
Birth about 1092 30 28
Death 1 April 1148 ‏(Age 56)‏
Alix Countess Of Savoy ‏[Queen of France‏ ‎(I2870)‎
Birth about 1092 30 28 Of, Savoy, France
Death 18 November 1154 ‏(Age 62)‏

Parents Grandparents
Humbert II Count Savoy ‎(I2866)‎
Birth about 1062 30 28
Death 18 September 1103 ‏(Age 41)‏
Amadeo II Count Savoy ‎(I4854)‎
Birth about 1032 30 28
Death 26 January 1080 ‏(Age 48)‏
Joan Geneva ‎(I4855)‎
Birth about 1034 26 24

William The Grand William the Grand ‎(I3266)‎
Birth about 1025 18 22 Bourgogne, France
Death 11 November 1087 ‏(Age 62)‏

Family Group Information   (F1082)
Marriage 1090
Globally unique Identifier 795CD8BA30224D428C9207F3173E6B7494E7