William The Grand William the Grand + Stephanie The Grand Barcelona

Children  ‎(3 children)‎
Raimond Count Of Burgundy ‎(I2849)‎
Birth about 1065 40 20 Burgundy, France
Death 26 March 1107 ‏(Age 42)‏
Stephen Burgundy ‏[Count of]‏ ‎(I4780)‎
Birth about 1066 41 21
Death 27 January 1102 ‏(Age 36)‏

Parents Grandparents
William The Grand William the Grand ‎(I3266)‎
Birth about 1025 18 22 Bourgogne, France
Death 11 November 1087 ‏(Age 62)‏
Renaud I Count Burgundy ‎(I3264)‎
Birth about 1007 33 33 Bourgogne, France
Judith Or Alice Normandy ‎(I3265)‎
Birth about 1003 41 41 Nrmndy, Nrmndy, Fr, France
Death 27 July

Maud Hauteville ‎(I2911)‎
Birth about 1020

Family Group Information   (F1070)
Globally unique Identifier DE7772A72494914AAFD269AB1BA92B6CF10C