Compact Chart:
Richard Fitz Gilbert De Clare

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Guillaume ‏(William)‏ Duke Normandy
896-942 ‏(46)‏
Compact Chart: I3543
Richard I "The Normandy
933-996 ‏(63)‏
Compact Chart: I3311 Geoffrey Count Of Eu ‏[& of Brionne]‏
Compact Chart: I4258 Mrs Richard Normandy
Compact Chart: I3930Compact Chart: I3313
Sporte De Bretagne
Gilbert Crispin
Compact Chart: I3872 Richard Fitz Gilbert De Clare
1030-1090 ‏(60)‏
Compact Chart: I3873
Gunnora De Anjou
 Compact Chart: I4272
Mrs Geofrey ‏(Family name unknown)‏