Compact Chart:
Bertha Countess Of Holland ‏[Queen of France‏

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Dirk II, Count Holland
935-988 ‏(53)‏
Siegfried, Comte De Luxembourg
Hermann Eillung Saxony ‏[Duke of]‏
Henry I Stade ‏[Count of]‏
Compact Chart: I4942Compact Chart: I4935Compact Chart: I4950Compact Chart: I4952
Arnulf, Count Of Holland
961-993 ‏(32)‏
Compact Chart: I4933 Dirk III, Count Holland
985-1039 ‏(54)‏
Compact Chart: I4934 Liutgard, Comtesse De Luxembourg
963-995 ‏(32)‏
Bernard I Saxony ‏[Duke of]‏
976-1011 ‏(35)‏
Compact Chart: I4948 Bernard II Saxony ‏[Duke of]‏
1002-1059 ‏(57)‏
Compact Chart: I4949 Hildegarde Stade
978-1011 ‏(33)‏
Compact Chart: I4943Compact Chart: I4923Compact Chart: I4936Compact Chart: I4951Compact Chart: I4946Compact Chart: I4953
Hildegard, Comtesse De Flandre
937-990 ‏(53)‏
Hedwig ‏(Family name unknown)‏
Hildegardis ‏(Family name unknown)‏
Judith ‏(Family name unknown)‏
Floris I, Count Holland
1017-1061 ‏(44)‏
Compact Chart: I4909 Bertha Countess Of Holland ‏[Queen of France‏
1054-1093/94 ‏(40)‏
Compact Chart: I4910
Gertrud, Princess Of Saxony
1028-1113 ‏(85)‏
 Compact Chart: I4924Compact Chart: I4947
Otto germany II Emperor
Compact Chart: I4925 Othelhild, Princess Of Saxony
987-1044 ‏(57)‏
Compact Chart: I4262 Mrs Otto germany
Henry Schweinfurt ‏[Murgrave of]‏
Compact Chart: I4954 Elica Schweinfurt
Compact Chart: I4318 Mrs Henry Schweinfurt