Daily Archives: December 6, 2006

She’s a porker!

Poppy and I went to see our midwife today so she could be weighed. At our appointment last week, Poppy should have weighed 10 pounds, 5 ounces but was short an ounce. Well, she more than made up for it this week. Today Julie weighed Poppy again and she was 11 pounds 5 ounces. A whole pound in one week! Julie is very happy about Poppy’s progress, thinks she is a very healthy little girl and is thriving. We go back to see Julie in two weeks, will be discharged from her care, and referred to a pediatrician. Just wanted to let you know that Poppy is right on track and growing like a weed.

Some interesting stories in the news

Women talk more than men: study – I guess it depends on who is talking. Brianna… not so much. Lisa and Julia… quite a bit, especially when they are up late in the kitchen and I’m trying to sleep 🙂

Study: Mom’s wrong, slouching is good for you – President Hinckley spoke about not dressing “slouchy” at the last General Conference. I guess we can slouch physically as long as we are dressed ok.