Daily Archives: February 10, 2006

All alone last night

Yesterday was Lisa’s father’s birthday. She was just going to mail him a package, but Monday when we were going over our plans for the week I suggested that she take the kids and go and visit them. Andrew was very excited on Wednesday and had “packed” his backpack and apparently was carrying it around all day. Lisa kept telling him all day, “No, we’re not leaving until tomorrow.” I saw them yesterday morning, and then they left sometime after breakfast.

It was only one night, but it was weird being alone in the house last night. No Lisa, no kids, and no Julia (she was out till all hours of the morning with the YSA again). Every night before I go to bed I go into see Andrew and Matthew and give them a kiss and tell them I love them. They’re asleep, and so obviously don’t hear me, but if I don’t do it, I feel that I’ve missed something.

I’m looking forward to getting home from work today and having them there. Oh, and Lisa too 🙂